Microsoft NBA Full Court Press README File August, 1996 © Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996 ========================================================= This file contains important information that supplements online Help. To get news and product updates for Full Court Press or other Microsoft games, check out our World Wide Web site at For the best readability, maximize this window. ========================================================= CONTENTS ========================================================= A. Hardware and System Requirements > Requirements > Enhancing Performance B. Installation and DirectX C. Audio Troubleshooting D. Video Troubleshooting > Displaying 256 Colors > DirectX Display Problems > Video Cards That Don't Support Full Court Press E. Multiplayer Troubleshooting F. Product Support > When You Have a Question > Microsoft Product Support Within the United States and Canada > Internet Services and the Microsoft Network (MSN) > Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) > Microsoft FastTips ========================================================= A. Hardware and System Requirements ========================================================= Requirements ========================================================= To play Full Court Press, you need: * A 486/66 computer or better with a 256-color display (Pentium 90 computer or better recommended) * Microsoft Windows 95 * A 2X CD-ROM drive or faster to play from a compact disc * 8 MB of memory (RAM) (16+ MB recommended) * 25 MB of available hard disk space (60 MB recommended) * A sound board plus speakers or headphones to hear audio * 14,400 baud modem for modem play (28,800 baud modem recommended) * A Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device * Joystick or gamepad recommended Note: Full Court Press requires Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. To purchase a Windows upgrade, see your local retailer. Enhancing Performance ========================================================= You can enhance the performance of both single and multiplayer games by doing any or all of the following: * Close any open applications. * Be sure that you are not logged on to a network. * Change the game resolution to 640X480. * If you have applications that bring up pre-scheduled notifications, you should turn them off before playing Full Court Press full-screen mode. * Reduce the detail levels in the Performance, Display, and Sound dialog boxes. When you reduce the detail levels, you also affect the appearance of Full Court Press -- make these changes only if performance is your primary concern. See Q&A in online Help for more information about improving performance. ========================================================= B. Installation and DirectX ========================================================= Setup installs Full Court Press and DirectX drivers to your hard drive. Full Court Press requires these drivers to run. If you install different video drivers after installing Full Court Press, you may have problems running Full Court Press. If you are using a 2x CD-ROM drive, you should do a Typical or Custom installation for better performance. If you are using 16-bit CD-ROM drivers for your CD-ROM, Autorun may not work properly. To manually run setup, double-click on the Setup icon in your C or D drive (your CD-ROM drive) to start installation. ========================================================= C. Audio Troubleshooting ========================================================= If Full Court Press does not play sound properly, first verify that: * You've correctly installed your Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 sound drivers. * Your speakers are on and turned up. * The Windows 95 volume control is enabled and turned up, and that the Mute checkbox isn't selected. If Full Court Press still doesn't play sound properly, verify that Windows 95 can play .wav files: 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the Sounds icon. 3. Under Events, click an event that has a loudspeaker icon next to it. 4. In the Name text box, be sure that the three-letter file extension is ".wav". 5. Under Preview, click the play button. You should hear a sound. If you don't hear any sound, or if Windows 95 is not able to play a .wav file, check to see that a sound driver is enabled: 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the System icon. 3. Click the Device Manager tab. 4. Click the plus sign next to Sound, Video And Game Controllers. 5. If there is no sound, video and game controllers entry, or you have no sound card listed under this entry, contact the manufacturer of the computer or sound card and request help for reinstalling the sound card drivers. If you are able to play a .wav file in Windows 95, be sure that sounds are enabled and recognized in Full Court Press: 1. Start Full Court Press. 2. On the Start Up screen, click Options, and then click Sound. 3. Make sure that all the red sliders are at least halfway over, and then click OK. 4. To check whether Full Court Press will play a sound file, click any button on the Start Up screen. If you are using Windows NT 4.0, the sound may be choppy during setup, but will work normally while you are running Full Court Press. You can install higher quality sounds from the Custom installation option. ========================================================= D. Video Troubleshooting ========================================================= Displaying 256 Colors ========================================================= Your computer must display 256 colors to run Full Court Press. If you don't have the necessary 256-color driver, or if you aren't sure that your video card supports 256 colors, contact your video card manufacturer. To display 256 colors in Windows 95: 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the Display icon. 3. Click the Settings tab. 4. In the Color Palette drop-down list, click 256 Color. 5. Click OK. DirectX Display Problems ========================================================= Note: Full Court Press uses DirectX 2.0 technology. In some cases, the DirectX video driver may not interact correctly with your video driver. If you experience display problems, contact your video card manufacturer for the latest DirectX 2.0 drivers, or find an appropriate driver on our web site at If you experience display problems, contact your video card manufacturer for the latest DirectX 2.0 drivers. If you continue to experience problems with DirectX 2.0 installed, try the following procedures: 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click the Display icon. 3. Click the Settings tab. 4. Click Change Display Type to display the Advanced Display Properties dialog box. 5. Click the Adapter tab. If there is no Adapter tab, see the next procedure. 6. In the Refresh rate box, change the refresh rate, and then click OK. If your screen is unreadable and you are unable to follow the preceding steps, try the following troubleshooting steps: 1. Restart your computer in safe mode by pressing F8 when you see the message "Starting Windows 95." 2. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 3. Double-click the Display icon. 4. Click the Settings tab. 5. Click Change Display Type to display the Change Display Type dialog box. 6. Under Adapter Type, click Change. 7. In the Select Device dialog box, select the DirectX-compatible video driver suggested by your video card manufacturer. If you do not have a DirectX- compatible video driver, contact your video card manufacturer for an updated video driver. 8. Restart your computer to apply the change you have made, and then start Full Court Press. 9. Reinstall your video drivers. Note, that Full Court Press will not run without DirectX drivers. You may not be able to switch between full-screen mode and a window with a menu bar with some video cards at some resolutions. If this happens, try using a lower game resolution. Or to achieve the best display without using full-screen mode, set your game resolution to be the same as your screen resolution. If you consistently cannot get a game started, DirectX may be having problems with your video drivers. Try the following procedures to work around these problems:: * Change your DirectDraw settings (Full Court Press will run in slow display mode, but it may enable you to play): 1. On the Start menu, click Run. 2. In the Open text box, type REGEDIT, and then click OK. 3. In order, click the plus signs next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Games, NBA Full Court Press, and 96-97, and then click Graphics. 4. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. 5. Type DIRECTDRAW, and then press ENTER. 6. Double-click DIRECTDRAW. 7. Under Value Data, type 1, and then click OK. * Change Full Court Press's game graphics setting to high speed: 1. On the Start Up screen, click Options, and then click Performance. 2. On the Performance screen, under Game Graphics, click High Speed. 3. Click OK. * Contact your video card manufacturer for updated DirectX drivers. The Nexgen 586 system doesn't support DirectX, and therefore does not run Full Court Press. More information may be available on the AMD World Wide Web site at Video Cards That Don't Support Full Court Press ========================================================= If you are using any of the following cards or processors, you may experience problems when playing Full Court Press. If you experience any of the following problems, please contact your hardware manufacturer for the latest DirectX 2.0 video drivers: * Boca SXVGA5-CLGD5424 * Trident 9440 * # 9 Imagine 128 * Diamond Stealth 64 Video 3400XL S3 Vision 968 * Diamond Speedstar 64 PCI Cirrus CLGD-5434 * SDIS Weitek 9100 * Any video card using the Hornet Tender Pro video chip * Any video card using the Nvidia chip * Matrox Impression: display problems * Ensoniq Soundscape: If you're having problems installing Full Court Press with the Ensoniq Soundscape, and you know there is nothing wrong with the sound card, try changing the synth routing: 1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Double-click System. 3. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Device Manager tab. 4. Under Sound, Video and Game Controllers, click the plus sign. There should be an Ensoniq Soundscape card listed. Click it, and then click Properties. 5. In the Ensoniq Soundscape dialog box, click the DOS Settings tab. 6. Under Synth Routing, make sure Internal is selected. 7. Close all dialog boxes, then restart your computer and try to reinstall Full Court Press. ========================================================= E. Multiplayer Troubleshooting ========================================================= Network and modem games work best when you choose the Typical installation option during Full Court Press setup. During a modem multiplayer game, it may take the client machine (machine that joins the game) a few minutes to download the stats and settings of the game to be played. If you have problems with modem games, reconfigure your modem as a standard 28,800 baud or 14,400 baud modem instead of any modem-specific configuration you may be using. Changing controllers in the middle of a multiplayer game may cause you to lose game synchronization. You can, however, change the configuration of your controllers. During a Multiplayer game, the game may pause, even though no one has intentionally paused the game. A "Pause" message may or may not appear in the title bar of the game play window. Full Court Press is synchronizing the game among the users. Usually the game will unpause itself once it has synchronized the users. If the game does not unpause after about 10 seconds, try manually unpausing it by pressing the PAUSE key. If you do not have enough hard drive space to install Full Court Press, you may get the following error messgae during installation: "Can't load Place the Full Court Press compact disc in the CD-ROM drive. If it is already in the drive, run Setup again to fix your installation." Full Court Press is trying to load this file, but you may not have enough room on your hard drive to create any new swap files. Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive, then try reinstalling. ========================================================= F. Product Support ========================================================= When You Have a Question ========================================================= If you have a question about Full Court Press, first consult online Help. If you cannot find the answer, contact Microsoft Product Support. Outside the United States and Canada, contact Microsoft Product Support at the Microsoft subsidiary office that serves your area. For information about Microsoft subsidiary offices, see Product Support Worldwide. Product Support Within the United States and Canada ========================================================= If you can't install Microsoft NBA Full Court Press, please refer to the support offerings below. Microsoft’s support offerings range from no-cost and low-cost online information services (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to annual support plans. Please check the Technical Support section in online Help for detailed information. Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft’s then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice. AnswerPoint Information Services provides you with easy access to the latest technical and support information for Microsoft products. You can access a variety of low and no cost Information Services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Internet Services and the Microsoft Network (MSN) ========================================================= Access the Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions, Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer-to-customer newsgroups, and other technical information on our Internet sites. To access the World Wide Web and MSN, go to FTP access, go to Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) ========================================================= Direct modem access to a variety of technical information is available on MSDL by dialing (206) 936-6735. Connect information: 1200, 2400, 9600, or 14400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. Microsoft FastTips ========================================================= This automated service provides quick answers to your common technical questions via an automated toll-free telephone number, fax, or mail. To access FastTips or to receive a map and catalog, call the following FastTips number: (800) 936-4100. Standard Support In the United States and Canada, unlimited no-charge support is available from Microsoft support engineers (toll charges apply). In the United States, call (206) 635-7008 between 6:00 A.M and 6:00 P.M. Pacific time. In Canada, call (905) 568-3503 between 8:00 A.M and 8:00 P.M. Eastern time. These services are available Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Text Telephone Microsoft text telephone (TT/TDD) services are available for the deaf or hard-of-hearing. In the United States, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (206) 635-4948. In Canada, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (905) 568-9641. Other Services For more information on these and additional services available, call Microsoft Support Sales and Information at (800) 936-3500 between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M. Pacific time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, or visit our Internet site at: